Monday, January 30, 2012


Hellooooo! Is anyone out there?

Writing is my hobby, and like most everything that I do, I have embarked upon this hobby in the midst of several other ongoing projects! And, as most other projects, the process was a little more involved and time consuming that I had predicted.

Finding a name for this blog was frustrating to be sure. Any of the names that I had imagined were, evidently, not as unique as I had thought, and had already been taken by someone else. My hope is that the someone else is using the names well and doing them proud.

I've seen other blogs, visited many in fact, and their names generally have something to do with their content. That was my problem. I won't know just what my content will be until I sit down at my computer to write!

I started off writing the old fashioned way - no, not with a quill! I'm not quite that old! I began writing with a pen and even though our new fangled machinery will produce type at ridiculous speed, the pen, I believe, will always symbolize the art of the written word.

I must admit that I spent a good while with the thesaurus to come up with exactly the right adjective to describe my "pen" and settled on boundless. That's right - boundless! This perfect word will allow me to do exactly what I hoped with my new techno-hobby: write about anything that happens to strike my fancy!

And so, I welcome you to A Boundless Pen and hope to make it a place that you visit often!